
Kids art activities to do at home

The Art4Kids e-books are a series of art activities you can do at home, using materials that are relatively easy to find. Each book contains 8-10 activities that are all listed on their page.

They have a step by step ‘recipe’ for each activity, and include a list of required materials and photos showing the steps. Originally designed as activities in a facilitated setting, encouraging adults to help their children with the activity so both can enjoy creating at the same time. I designed each activity with this in mind so the activities could be repeated at home. Kids love art and this takes the thinking out of the process, you have a list of materials needed and all the steps to complete a variety of artworks.

How much help you need to give depends on the age and independence of your children, most children from 5 years can complete most of the activities with limited assistance. So they’re perfect if you need art activities while home schooling.

These art activities cover a range of materials and mediums, from canvas painting, to watercolours, basic printing to sculpture. And are great for fine motor skills development. Enjoy creating art at home with your kids where you don’t have to think up the activity, look at the sheet and go from there.

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