I don’t know about you but I never planned on being a teacher so having kids at home and schooling was never part of my plan. And not something I really thought about until like 2 weeks ago, thanx to a pandemic called covid-19.
Now the school has been great and sent home a schedule and the kids are actually quite good at getting in and doing their work.
Yep I slept in this morning and got up to find them having started their class work like they were supposed to at 9am.
However, I feel like I need to actually take some time to interact with the kids during their day with some fun things while still allowing myself time to do my work from home. So, I created a plan for the day that has plenty of time for their school work but also with space for:
- Move
- Game
- Creative
- Challenge
They are a little fun and will help break up the day, they’re still educational in some way but learning different types of things or simply challenging themselves. And not one is computer based, don’t get me wrong I am forever thankful that I am in a time and place where e-learning is an actual thing and google classrooms exist but I feel that its good to learn away from a screen, and its nice to give the kids a challenge sometimes.
Think board games, card games, art activities, and things like yoga or skipping – simple things to break up the day. I’m sure there are more options you could add to the list.
The way I structured the day they have 3 x 15 min move | game |creative | challenge breaks in the day and each day they can pick the ones they want to do. One from each group but each day one of the options has to be move – cause really being home all day we’re going to become the laziest humans ever for the duration of this pandemic.
If you’d like a copy of the school @ home plan and the move | game | creative | challenge activities I created, grab a copy below. It’s a PDF download, if you’d prefer a copy you can edit send me an email and I can email it through.
Or if you want some kids art activities, with step by step instructions check out the art4kids ebooks which may help keep them entertained and you sane.
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